
Theme Of Mental Instability In Hamlet

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Hamlet is a play that was first written by William Shakespeare in 1599, and has forever been cultivating the world since then. Hamlet starts off with prince Hamlet grieving over the death of his father (King
Hamlet), his mother (Gertrude) remarrying his uncle (Claudius), and his uncle Claudius taking over the
Crown. Hamlet feels betrayed and hurt by all of this and soon learns by the apparition of his dead father That he (King Hamlet) was murdered; by none other than Claudius himself. This starts off the play with
Prince Hamlet seeking revenge and getting to the bottom of it all.
The ghost of king Hamlet appeared to tell the prince that Claudius had killed him. This showing how
Power hungry Claudius was to obtain the crown, “The serpent …show more content…

Another theme portrayed in the play is mental instability. When Hamlet's father dies and his mother remarried his uncle, Hamlet goes crazy. His mental instability is shown through his dirt speech.
"whether 'tis is nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arm against a sea of troubles, and, by opposing, end them" (138). Hamlet is fighting himself and his own
Thoughts. He is losing his mind trying to contemplate everything that is going on. He wants to end his
Own life, but at the same time he wants to avenge his father's death... Ophelia is in love with Hamlet
And Hamlet makes her think that he's in love with her too, but she's noticed something different about
Him. She see's that he's mentally unstable through his appearance. "…And with a look so piteous as if
He had been loosed out of hell..."(82) At almost every corner of the play, themes and characterization can be found. Hamlet eventually get his revenge on King Claudius, but at the expense of his mother, Ophelia, Polonius, Laertes, and

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