
Theme Of Moral Justice In Hamlet

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Many say that William Shakespeare’s, Hamlet, was one of the greatest tragedy stories ever written. The play shows us the conflict between people with very different personalities all pursuing power, or their own interpretation of moral justice. The play circles around the themes of deception, manipulation, and vengeance to create an unpleasant situation that leads to exploitation, chaos, and even insanity. One of the most interesting personalities in the play is the main character. Hamlet. Son of King Hamlet and Queen Gertrude and the person who is supposed to be crowned King. Even though the ghost of his father tells him that he was murdered by his uncle, Claudius, and witnesses the questionable quick re-marriage of his mother to his uncle, Hamlet is unable to avenge his father’s death. His own disbelief about the ghost, uncertainties of his own desire, and his overthinking of the world around him are three of the many controversies that keeps him hesitant, and thus delaying his revenge process and resulting in his ultimate panic. In Act 1 Scene 1 of the play, Hamlet’s friends stumble upon the spirit of old King Hamlet wandering around the castle, and they quickly went to tell Hamlet about their startling discovery. Hamlet soon meets the spirit and the spirit tells him that he had been murdered by his misleading brother, Claudius, and Hamlet must avenge his death. This problem begins when Hamlet is investigating into his father’s death. Because he thinks that he is

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