
Theme Of Motifs In Macbeth

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A motif is a repeating symbol that takes on a figurative meaning. A motif can be an object, a color, the weather, or even an idea or a concept. Motifs are usually used to establish a certain mood or a theme, and they have a symbolic meaning. For example, in a fairy tale, some motifs would be: the handsome prince, the wicked witch, talking animals, and magic fairies. Another example would be the song “Beasts of England” in Animal Farm by George Orwell, and it is a motif that mainly serves as propaganda to the animals. In Macbeth by William Shakespeare, motifs are seen all throughout the book, like the motif of blood and how it represents guilt. The motifs of blood, sleep, and birds affect the character development and relationship of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth.
The motif of blood changes the relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth because it shows Macbeth’s cowardice and Lady Macbeth’s courageousness. Macbeth is a coward during the murder of King Duncan because he is obsessed and petrified with the blood on his hands. Macbeth looks at his bloody hands, “This is a sorry sight” (Shakespeare 2.2.28). Macbeth is so shocked about the murder, he just stands in place and fixates on the blood on his hands. Macbeth is extremely ashamed of what he has done, and the blood on his hands symbolizes his guilt and remorse for the murder. The relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth is different now, because now Macbeth is portrayed as guilty and sorrowful instead of brave, to his

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