
Theme Of Revenge In Hamlet

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Revenge Through Hamlet A forest fire starts and gradually grows uncontrollably. It consumes everything in its path. Revenge is similar to this devastation. Revenge is an act based on anger with no reasoning, and it’s not over until the act is completed. William Shakespeare, in Hamlet, built his play on this idea of an eye for an eye, which is revenge. Hamlet and Laertes are both out to avenge their fathers’ deaths. They go about it differently, but their motivation is the same. Shakespeare uses the characters Hamlet and Laertes, in their acts of revenge, show how the theme is developed throughout the play. The first murder is that of King Hamlet. This starts the first act of revenge. Hamlet, the son, meets the supposedly “ghost” of his father. The ghost begins by saying, “So art thou to revenge, when though shalt hear.” (Hamlet 1.5.11). Shakespeare uses this to initiate Hamlet’s goal. The ghost tells Hamlet he will want to get back at Claudius then tells him why. The apparition then explains by saying, “Upon my secure hour thy uncle stole,/ With juices of cursed hebenon in a vail,/ And in the porches of my ears did pour” (Hamlet 1.5.66-68). The story line then goes to the process of Hamlet killing Claudius. Hamlet, in his incomplete mind, sees Claudius and it’s an easy and perfect time to kill him. If the revenge ended here it wouldn’t be a main theme in this work. Claudius appeared to be praying. Hamlet doesn’t think it true revenge if he kills him, and he goes to heaven because his father was sent to purgatory. He says, “I, his sole son, do this same villain send/ To heaven./ O, this is hire and salary, not revenge!” (Hamlet 3.3.80-82) More procrastination leads to the accidental death of Polonius, Laertes’ father. Hamlet was talking to Gertrude, his mom, when he heard a noise behind a curtain. He assumed this was Claudius and he stabbed through, but it was Polonius. Hamlet says, “Nay, I know not. Is it the King?” (Hamlet 3.4.29) If the king was killed rather than Polonius, revenge could be a partial theme. Because it was Polonius was killed this opened a new door. Now Laertes was out to avenge his father’s death, and revenge continues as the main point in the play. Hamlet will get his revenge, but

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