
Theme Of Women In The Bluest Eye

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In the end, the men are afraid of death, that it was they are most fearful of. By choosing death, not only is she finally making a choice in her life, but she is finally gaining power over the kings, princes and rulers which she always wished to, because she is doing what they fear most.
Women have little to no choice in their lives, society and systems within it, make decisions for most women, like Firdaus. By taking away a woman’s ability to choose, it is oppressing her. If you have a voice, you have power, which is why there is a power struggle of this proportion among women, because their voice is stolen from them.
The Bluest Eye. To complicate Firdaus’ story, The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison tells the story of another girl’s life. Pecola was born and raised a poor, powerless, Black girl. Her power struggle is different, it is more internalized. Pecola grew up in an abusive household, where she witnessed her father’s power over her mother. When she was still just a child, her father raped her. In this way he was able to gain power over Pecola as well. She learned from a young age that Black meant ugly, which in turn meant powerless. Whereas white was beautiful and powerful. This can be demonstrated by Pecola’s interest in a cup that had Shirley Temple’s face on it, which is highly symbolic within the text, “We knew she was fond of the Shirley Temple cup and took every opportunity to drink milk out of it just to handle sweet Shirley’s face (Morrison 23). Pecola cherished

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