
Theological Argument For The Existence Of God

Decent Essays

The argument for the existence of God that I found most compelling was the argument from design, also known as the “theological argument.” The reason that I resonated with this argument so well is that it could be used by both sides of the debate for the existence of God. Supporters of this argument claim that due to the design of everything in the natural world and how well all things interact with one another, this clearly points that there is a creator that made these things meld so well together, this creator being God. Non-believers argue that the existence of our world is a mere stroke of luck that was created through random chance. They further argue that although the possibility that a world such as ours would come into existence is astronomically slim, due to the universe begin infinite and never-ending, this outcome is much more likely to occur. …show more content…

He claims that if a man playing poker were to deal himself twenty straight hands of four aces in the same game and his opponents were to get mad at him, he could use the following argument in is defense: “what if there is an infinite succession of universes, so that for any possible distribution of poker hands, there is one universe in which this possibility is realized” (Keller, 135). So, it is rather evident that this argument can be interpreted several ways. The ability to be used by both sides of the debate is what ultimately convinced me to expand upon the argument’s validity. Ultimately, I believe that this argument is a rather convincing one that supports the existence of a god or

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