
Theories Of Virtue Ethics

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Summary of Virtue Ethics. For a non-consequential theory, I will use Virtue Ethics. This theory is developed by philosophers Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. All of them have a different perspective of the theory, but they have the same central principle of Virtue Ethics, which is a personal character to lead to happiness and fulfillment in one's life. There are two different types of virtues in Aristotle's Theory: Intellectual virtues and moral virtues. The intellectual virtues reflect what is unique and important about human nature across the board, but the moral virtues conduct well the normal affairs of daily life in society. In addition, Virtue Ethics has ancient roots, in both Latin and Greek culture, it means "excellence" in being a model person. Therefore, it helps you to live the good life. While, Aristotle's virtue ethics has some …show more content…

Self-control is the ability to control oneself about one's emotions and behaviors. Therefore, if one doesn't have this ability, then he or she will react with one's passion for every situation or conflict. It sounds more tired and getting more stress. Care is one of the important virtues. It makes you to feel comfortable and warm. Additionally, courage is important, too. All the time when you start something new, you need the courage to act. These virtues will affect your life.
Applying Virtue Ethics. There are three steps to apply Virtue Ethics. First, determine the virtues called for by the situation. Secondly, evaluate options, looking for Golden Mean solutions. Golden Mean is the ideal moderate position between two extremes. For the last step is choosing the wisest course of action, consistent with the virtues and the Golden Mean. The ethical decision should make the stakeholders' lives are more beneficial. The evaluated options are below:
• Hiring John to work in Laura's company. It shows courage and wisdom of Laura to follow her decision that based on her wise and gets a response about

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