
Theories of Ethics

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Theories of Ethics Virtue theory, utilitarianism, and deontological ethics are categories of virtue ethics. As they are all a part of virtue ethics, they are all schools of thought concerning how people should be and which virtues people must accrue such that they lead "good" lives. Many of these terms are relative to aspects such as culture and time. The three theories are all related, yet distinctive as theories or schools of thought regarding ethics and behavior. Those who subscribe to virtue theory would contend that the inclinations and desires of an individuals are relevant to that person's sense and practice of morality. Virtue theory does not put focus on the acts of the individual or the collective. Some theorists have problems with act-centered normative theories because of those theories' intense emphasis upon ends and means. Virtue theory contends that there are not fixed rules or standards that must be applied whenever one encounters a moral issue or debate. Virtue theory perceives an individual as correct or having performed the correct action as long as a behavior or action taken is perceived as and/or reflects whatever is construed as virtuous in that situation. Utilitarianism is one of the most act-centered theories of virtue ethics. It focuses upon means as to an ends. Those who practice utilitarianism would argue that a person's actions are correct as long as said actions directly lead to and/or produce the best consequences, or that the

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