
Introduction And Rationale For Nursing Theory Paper

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Theory into Practice Plan, Implementation, Evaluation The purpose of this paper is to provide an introduction, purpose, and rational for selecting a nursing theory. I will describe the theory by identifying the purpose, concepts/definitions, relationships/structure, and assumptions. I will use the Chinn & Kramer evaluation criteria to critique this chosen theory. Finally I will describe a plan for implementing the theory into my practice setting, identifying any barriers and challenges. Introduction and Rationale for Theory In order to effectively guide practice, it is essential that nurses understand and critique different theories to evaluate them for use in practice. For this paper I have selected Jean Watson’s Human Caring Theory: …show more content…

To provide guidance and direction, ten carative factors are identified that result in the satisfaction of human needs. The first three factors; acting from a humanistic-altruistic set of values, enabling and sustaining faith and hope, and cultivating a sense of sensitivity to self and others form the foundation of caring from which the other seven carative factors are built ("Jean Watson - philosophy and science of caring," 2010). This theory explains, describes, guides, and supports nursing practice. It gives language to the unspoken beliefs and perspectives of the nursing profession. This allows the nursing professionals to better envision, realize, and articulate their unique role in healthcare (Green & Robichaux, 2009). Human caring is the basis of therapeutic relationships between human beings (Wade & Kasper, 2006) Critical Appraisal of Theory It is important to critically appraise the theory. I have used Chinn and Kramer’s approach to evaluate Jean Watson’s Theory of human caring. This evaluation criteria reflects on the clarity, the simplicity of the theory, asks how general, how accessible, and how important this theory to the nursing profession is. The Human Caring Theory is written logically as it identifies the ten carative factors and four concepts of the caring model. However, her concepts have been described as complex because of their

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