
Thesis: Should Abortions Be Legal?

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Should Abortions be Legal?
Regina Corroa
PH103 Informal Logic
Barri Mallin June 20, 2010

Should Abortions be Legal? Thesis Abortion is defined as intentional termination of a pregnancy after conception (O’Brien). Abortion is a very touchy subject that has been around for thousands of years. When emotions are used for reasoning this is called a fallacy. With this particular issue the fallacy “slippery slope” is very common in the persuasion of arguments (Moore, p 182). Slippery slope is when one thinks a simple action can lead to more complicated consequences in the future.
There are many risks that are involved with abortion that should be deliberated very carefully before making the decision to proceed. There are many laws against …show more content…

The procedures have become safer and better for all. Clinics have become more familiar to all the new products and the tools are more conformed to modern technology.
The current government is now pushing to make abortion easier for women. Since President Obama was elected the U.S. government has moved swiftly to allow the use of US taxpayers money to fund abortion groups all over the world by rescinding the Mexico City Policy first instituted in the 1980: to enable China’s coercive population control program by funding the united Nations Population Fund, and :to roll back restrictions on funding for human embryo-destroying stem cell experimentation.(Smith).
One of the nine reasons found that we should not legalize abortion is the laws against abortion kill women (Kilinger). Many women are killed each year during childbirth, but almost four times more women are killed when they have an abortion (Lowen). Women need to know the health risks involved with abortions before making that choice. Having an abortion has many long lasting effects such as: emotional disorders, blood infections, and an increase in breast cancer (Lowen). The leading causes of death for the women who had an abortion are infection, hemorrhage, bowel injuries, clotting disorders. If air was to get to the amniotic fluid, or fetal tissue to get into the woman’s blood stream they would die (Kilinger).Sometimes abortions are not effective, and

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