
Things They Carried 'By Tim O' Brien: An Analysis

Decent Essays

In the article “Honesty, Confession, and Privacy” from The Art of the Personal Essay by Phillip Lopate, Lopate informs the reader of the qualities a narrator or personal essayist must have in order to be reliable. Lopate says that, in order to be reliable, the narrator must have “done a fair amount of introspective homework already, is grounded in reality, and is trying to give us maximum understanding and intelligence of which he or she is capable” (2). The reader has the authority to interpret the criteria with given boundaries. For example, Lopate says “[A] psychotic killer may be sincere, but that would not sufficiently recommend them for the genre” (2). This means not everyone that meets the criteria would be a reliable narrator. By Lopate’s criteria of a reliable narrator, Tim O’Brien is a reliable narrator because he has done his introspective homework, he is grounded in reality, and has maximum understanding and intelligence; Wiesel is not a reliable narrator according to Lopate’s criteria.

The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien is a fictional novel revolving around the events during and after the Vietnam War. In the novel, O’Brien strives to give the reader a full understanding of tragic events that happened during that war. Even though the text is labeled as fiction, many events in the novel are true.

Tim O’Brien knows …show more content…

By writing other novels with the same topic, O’Brien expands his ability, background knowledge, and credibility to write war novels. He states, “Forty-three years old and I’m still writing war stories” (33). O’Brien’s credibility is thriving because he only writes war novels and he has an understanding and intelligence about war. By writing solely on the topic of war, O’Brien shows the reader he has maximum understanding and intelligence of that which he is writing, thus making him a reliable

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