
Thomas Aquinas Beliefs

Decent Essays

Thomas Aquinas is a major religious thinker from Italy. He lived from 1225-1274. Throughout his life he shared his beliefs about God and how people are connected to Him. In “Summa Theologiae” Aquinas’ wrote about what he believed to be the purpose of humans: happiness. This is unlike other major thinkers would come to think about the meaning of human life. Darwin believed humans main goal in life is to survive. Aquinas believed human beings can attain this happiness through virtue, God’s grace, reason, and love. Aquinas believed in divine simplicity. This is the idea that “God has no parts” (28). The characteristics of God are not separate. God does not just bring happiness, God is happiness.. Aquinas believed that happiness was not found through material wealth. After going to war, Thomas decided to become a Dominican. …show more content…

This is an idea Aquinas shared with the Western Roman Catholics. He did not look down upon those who did not share his religious beliefs. He believed anyone who was virtuous could live a good life and be a good person. He strongly felt that life and afterlife were better with God. “Man’s ultimate happiness exists in his highest activity, exercising his mind, and if can’t see God then either men will never be happy or their happiness must lie elsewhere than in God. That is not only opposed to our faith but makes no natural sense (26). He felt that there was no way to deny His existence. “There are five ways of proving there is a God” (12). Change, cause, what need be or not be, gradation observed in things, and guidedness of nature. Aquinas believed in five natural laws. Natural laws are certain things you can’t prove or demonstrate but that you must regard as facts. The first is that good and evil exist. The second is it is better to live than to die. Thirdly, it is good to have children and care for them. Fourthly, it is unnatural to live in solitude all our lives. Lastly, people have a desire for the

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