
Thomas Aquinas Five Arguments For The Existence Of God

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Thomas Aquinas Five Ways Is God real? This question has been asked for thousands of years. What proof do we have? So far no physical proof has been found, however Thomas Aquinas, a Dominican Monk, offered some of the best arguments for the existence of God In his book the Summa Theologiae. Aquinas describes five ways that god could be proven. His arguments began with empirical observations of how he sensed the world around him and are therefor a posteriori. Here I will list the premise of each of the five arguments and discuss their validity. The First Way: Argument from Motion 1. We can sense when objects are in motion. 2. Objects only move when their potential motion becomes actual motion. 3. Only actual motion can change potential motion into actual motion. 4. No object can be in both potential motion and actual motion at the same time. 5. This means nothing can move itself; an object in motion has to be set into motion by another object in motion. 6. The sequence of motion cannot go backwards into infinity or it would not exist now. 7. Thus something must initially set things into motion and …show more content…

Basically all life has a cycle in which it follows, and it is highly improbable that our universe happened out of chance. It is more likely that we are a product of intelligent design from a divine creator. Some believe that if we are an imperfect world that we must be the product of imperfect design and this would point to an imperfect creator and since God is perfect, then God must not exist. With this train of thought, the problem of evil surfaces yet again, but as stated in the previous argument, evil is necessary in order for life to exist. This would conclude that there is no flaw in our design, and that our design was intelligently put together, and if we were perfectly designed, then a higher Supreme Being or God would be

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