
Time Theft

Decent Essays

“Forty Three Percent of Employees Commit Time Theft” Milligan (2015), a Payroll Business Executive, conducted research that suggested that in a year’s time, it would cost companies $400 billion in lost production. As a result, revealed three findings: 1. Among the hourly workers that were surveyed, forty three percent admitted to exaggerating the amount of time they worked during their shifts. 2. Twenty-five percent of employees surveyed said that they turned in greater hours than they worked seventy six to one hundred percent of the time. 3. Payroll departments that used the biometrice clocks appeared to be the most effective method for preventing time theft; only three percent of employees report “stealing” time using this method (Milligan, …show more content…

Employers and employees should know what time theft is and how it affects the company. Time theft is more than just not being productive during the work day; it is a deviant behavior that is brought on by the circumstances of the organization. If an employee is dissatisfied with the company that employs them, then they are more likely to commit time theft, as opposed to some being happy. Knowing this piece of information, employers can make sure that not only do they have a work environment that is fair to their employees, but also making sure that they are hiring individuals that match the company’s …show more content…

According to the (Hamilton, 2015) Abbasi worked side jobs on the state’s funds. He was selling more than $100,000 in counterfeit electronics, part of one of several online businesses he was operating while still being compensated for time at his employment, (The State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance) in Albany New York. Abbasi was sentenced five years probation in the Albany County Court and terminated from his employment and ordered to pay $120, 000 in fines. It was stated that the $120,000 he must pay included the $38,000 in restitution to the state for lost wages. According to the State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman said “Those who serve the public must be held to the highest ethical standards and the sentencing makes it clear that individuals who violate the public trust will be held accountable.” Therefore, the State of New York will recover wages for the hours the defendant failed to work and will forfeit proceed from the illegal activities. Inspector General Catherine Leahy Scott also stated that “Instead of serving the public this former employee served only himself, running an illicit online enterprise, while charging taxpayers for his time.” The author stated that the case presented here has communicated

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