
Tippee's Fiduciary Duty

Decent Essays

The fiduciary duty to shareholders is also present in common law as a duty amongst two people committing a transaction, where “one who fails to disclose material information prior to … a transaction commits fraud only when he is under a duty to do so” (445 U.S. 229). It then describes that duty as a result of “a fiduciary or other similar relation of trust and confidence between them” (445 U.S. 229). The importance of this fiduciary duty is clear, and it is uncontested that Maher Kara owed that duty to Citigroup. By disclosing confidential information to anyone, much less his brother, Maher Kara was in violation of that duty. Next, it is important to derive the tippee’s fiduciary duty as a consequence of the tipper’s. 15 U.S.C. § 78t(b) broadly

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