
To Kill A Mockingbird Quote Analysis

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To Kill a Mockingbird “First of all,' he said, 'If you can learn a simple trick, Scout, you'll get along a lot better with all kinds of folks. You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view-” “Sir?” “-until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.” Page 30 1.This passage, quote, or excerpt is significant because... This passage, quote, or excerpt is significant because this passage shows the bond between Atticus and Scout. During the novel, Atticus teaches Scout many lessons about life that she does not learn from school. Scout loves and respects Atticus so she listens and takes his advice. 2) This passage is similar to a time in my life... This passage is similar to times in my …show more content…

Even though she did bash Atticus, and Jem I thought she taught Jem and Scout respect. It took a great deal of courage for her to try to overcome her morphine addiction. “His maddening superiority was unbearable these days. He did not want to do anything but read and go off by himself." Page 138 1.How would you summarize the ideas expressed... During this part of the novel Jem grows older and the differences between Scout and Jem become more over. This upsets Scout, But understands that Jem is older and feels more superior to her.Scout wishes that Jem and her could put aside their differences and play together like they used to. 2) If I were... If I were Scout I would feel left out and be very upset. I would continually ask Jem to play with me, and tell him even though he was older than me didn’t mean that he couldn't play with me. Finally, if Jem would play with me I would try to make new friends and invite them to my house. 3) This passage is similar to a time in my life... This is similar to a time in my life when I thought i was too old to play with my brother. Just like Jem i felt i was superior to him and didn't have to play with him. I also thought, that my little brother wasn't cool enough to play with me and that i was embarrassing to play with …show more content…

Ewell,' said Judge Taylor.” Page 177 1)Who is speaking? Where does this particular scene take place? Explain the characters thoughts motives and actions. In this quote Atticus is speaking In court defending Tom Robinson. He questioning Mr Ewell and ask him to write his name. Atticus is try to show that Mr.Ewell is left handed. The help him show that Mr. Ewell was the person who hit Mayella, because her bruises were on the left side of her face. 2) This passage, quote, or excerpt is significant because... This quote demonstrates how intelligent Atticus is. Atticus’s defense is that Mr. Ewell hit Mayella, not Tom. Atticus, has Mr.Ewell right his name on a envelope, this reveals to the jury that he is left handed and is more like to have hit Mayella since her bruises are on the left side of her face. 3) I think the message the author is trying to convey is… I think the message the author is trying to convey is that you cannot trust anything Bob Ewell has to say. He does this throughout the book by showing the bad lifestyle the Ewells choose to live. He also is showing how Intelligent Atticus is. Atticus was smart enough to realize Mr.Ewell was left hand and use it to defend Tom

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