
Tobacco And Tobacco

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About 5.6 million of Americans younger than 18 years will likely die from a tobacco-related illness if tobacco use persists at the current rate among youth in the United States (1). Tobacco use is the largest preventable cause of mortality and disease in the United States (2). Approximately 480, 000 Americans die from tobacco-related diseases, while greater than 16 million Americans suffer from at least one illness caused by tobacco, each year (2).
Tobacco products are made entirely or partly from the nicotine-rich leaves materials which are processed by drying and fermentation, prepared to be smoked, chewed, or snuffed by an individual (3). The tobacco product use are Cigarettes, Cigars, Hookahs, Electronic cigarettes, Pipe tobacco, Bidis, and smokeless tobacco (10). All these tobacco products contain highly addictive psychoactive agent called nicotine (3). Since tobacco use often begins during teenage years and early adolescent, hence, preventing the use of tobacco among youths in middle and high school is critical to ending the tobacco epidemic in the United States (1). Studies have shown that 9 out of 10 tobacco smokers first attempted smoking by 18 years of age while greater than 3,200 American youths aged 18 years and below smoked their first cigarette, and 2100 youths and young adults became addicted users (4). However, this has reportedly led American middle and high school youths to become susceptible to one form of tobacco products or the other and are at higher

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