
Too Much Knowledge Is Worth Critical Lens

Decent Essays

Knowledge is the greatest power. However, more often than not knowing too much can become a burden. We as a society do know many things, but, do we know when, where, or even whether the individual's information will even be helpful when revealed or just knowing will become a moral burden weighing them down mentally and emotionally.

Not only in reality, but also in literature, too much knowledge can lead to sufferings. Oedipus, the main character in Oedipus the King, is the child of King Laius and Queen Jocasta of Thebes. Laius learns from an oracle that his son's destiny was to, murder his father and wed his mother. Determined to prevent the prophecy, Laius commands the child's death. Unfortunately, for King Laius, the child survives. Many years later, frantic to avoid his fate, Oedipus leaves Corinth believing that Polybus and Merope were his parents and that, once away, he couldn't hurt them. …show more content…

It has improved techniques of technology, medicine, and science tremendously. From curing the incurable flu to developing the phone, from the size of a brick to being able to hold it in the palm of your hand. Although knowledge liberated our society from diseases and tedious labor, all advances have a negative side to them. For example the development of plastic, people gain a convenience. Plastic usage has risen to such a numerous extent that it's polluting the world at an increasing and alarming rate. The innovation and knowledge put forth towards creating plastic and revolutionizing it ultimately created a burden on the world and its inhabitants.

Knowledge is a powerful tool, one which will unlock many doors for us as individuals and as the whole of the human race, but we must always remember the consequences of gaining knowledge. It is both our blessing and our curse, and we must never forget that knowledge is a power, what we do with that power will determine our fate and

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