
Top Competitors in The Personal Computer Industry

Better Essays

The PC industry is highly competitive and constantly changing as technology evolves and customer needs change. Some of the top competitors in the PC industry are IBM, Hewlett-Packard, Dell and Apple. Theses rivals are constantly jockeying for the top competitor’s position. They compete in prices, product innovation, advertising, etc.
In the early 1980s the top competitor in this industry was IBM due to its open system and ease of being cloned. During this same time, Apple struggled to keep pace and changed its competitive strategy multiple times. From 1980 to 1993 Apple positioned itself in the computer industry as the company that provides easy to use desktops with superior software and hardware. Unlike its competitors, Apple did …show more content…

Despite these initiatives, Apple’s competitive range was mediocre compared to its competitors.
The next strategy was to return to an old business practice which was Apples premium prices. But this strategy, like the others, did not boost the company’s competitive advantage.
In 1997, Steve Jobs returned to Apple as an advisory and with the purposes of reshaping the product line. The changes made by Jobs resulted in increased sales and $309 million in profits. Job changed the mindset of Apples management and development team. He encourage them to have the “think different” management style that promotes the development of products that are ahead of the technology and design curve, and a creative retail strategy. It is this strategy that would eventually make Apple the best-selling company in the PC industry.
Jobs also changed the pricing strategy and focused on value-based pricing that provided customers with premium products at a premium price. Product pricing has specifically set Apple apart from its competitors. Apple believed that they could create demand for their products which would give the company “power over prices through product differentiation, innovative advertising, ensured brand loyalty, and hype around the launch of new products” (Nair, 2014). Apple’s aggressive competitive strategy paid off and in 2013, the company was named the World’s Most Innovative Company.

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