
Top Questions On Prospective Accountants

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Top Questions to Ask Prospective Accountants
Ask prospective accountants questions to determine their skills, level of service and commitment to you as a client. Even accountants with the most impeccable credentials and the top CPA firms usually won 't do your business much good unless they understand your industry. Certified Tax Coaches come from a range of backgrounds in specialized niches like manufacturer accounting, construction, SMB businesses, various investment specialties and insurance products that reduce risks. Top questions to ask prospective accountants include:

Can you help me prepare my taxes?
Preparing your taxes in the primary reason that most people hire accountants, so you need to know if your accountant will be …show more content…

Hiring an accountant for your SMB or personal taxes is self-defeating if the person doesn 't respond to communications and questions.

Are you familiar with the Medical Expense Reimbursement Program?
Curating your medical expenses can provide better cash flow and tax benefits, so it 's worth investigating whether the accountant is familiar with these plans for individuals and businesses if you own one.

Will you do the work, or will a third-party handle my account?
This is a critical question because you 're not vetting the accountant 's associates.

Is your accounting style aggressive or conservative?
Some accountants believe that you should take advantage of every deduction while others might take a more conservative approach to prevent audits. Regardless of approach, your accountant should be willing to support legitimate deductions if you want to take them.

What do I need to do to avoid problems?
An honest accountant will reveal that lying or not being 100% honest is the worst mistake you could make. Regardless of what you 've done in the past, it 's important to tell your accountant everything. It 's also important to follow your accountant 's advice in most cases, but this shouldn 't be a requirement or prerequisite.

Can you work with multiple business entities?
Working with multiple businesses and investments is one of the major reasons for choosing an accountant, so you need to know if he or she is up to the task.

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