
Traditional Education Vs. Online Education

Good Essays

Nahida Sultana
Dr. Rachel C. Henderson
English 1101
29 October 2015
Traditional Education vs. Online Education
Nowadays, education is becoming one of the fundamental things in a human lifetime; most people are trying to achieve a higher education. As technology develops considerably, it has bearings on every area of our life, even in the way of education. The development of technology has a large impact on education. Before this progression of technology, the education system was only traditional. Currently, the education system has been changed. The development of technology has allowed the education system online along with traditionally. Traditional and online instructions are both great ways to learn. While both types of instructions have the same purpose of educating students having good skills about everything, but there are some significant differences between them such as flexibility, learning the course content, communication, and the cost.
The first distinction between traditional education and online education is flexibility. The motivation of flexible learning is offering students choices about when, where and how they learn. It assists students to acquire skills and characteristics to adapt successfully to shift. Traditional education requires a particular place or environment for learning and instruction. It limits the number of students that can study at the same time and it would depend on the size of class and education institution. Moreover, traditional

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