
Traits And Behaviors Of College And University Presidents

Good Essays

Traits and behaviors of college/university presidents

An assignment submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)


Michelle Renee Ashley-Thomas, B.S., M.S., Ed.S.

October 2014
University of the Cumberlands

Executive Summary
“The approach to the study of leadership usually has been and perhaps always must be through the study of traits. Leadership obviously is not a simple trait but rather a complex of many traits fashioned together as a unity (Cowley, 1928, p. 144).” Leadership can be defined as the position or function of a leader, a person who guides or directs a group. Leadership is a process that occurs in a group setting. Leadership involves influence and goal attainment. Leadership styles and theories are vast in number and detail. This paper will examine leadership from the perspective of college and university presidents. Presidents of institutions of higher education are considered leaders. Each institution is different meaning that presidents have to be diverse in their leadership knowledge and style in order to effectively lead the institution. It is necessary to have a general knowledge of leadership theories and styles in order to properly examine the traits and behaviors of college and university presidents.
Literature Review
There are numerous theories about leadership. Some of the theories suggest that leaders are born while others suggest that leaders are made through training.

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