
“Transactional vs. Relationship Selling”

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1. Introduction:
The account relationship strategy a company chooses to follow represents the type of relationship, it is going to develop towards its customers. Within the account relationship strategy, there are three different kinds in which the relationship of you and your customer can be differentiated: The transactional relationship, consultative relationship and enterprise relationship.
In my following term paper I would like to show you what the key elements of every relationship is and for further explanation examples will document every relationship. At the end a real life example will show an industry which is right now making a shift from transactional relationship selling to a consultative approach.

2. Main Body 2.1. …show more content…

But where they focus on is cost leadership, that’s how they differentiate themselves from their competitors. To achieve this goal of being a cost leader, a strict policy towards the number of employees is of essential importance. So service personnel at Aldi markets isn’t there to advise customers, because they think their product portfolio is more or less self-explanatory. Their function is more to backfill stock at the market. They can give advise where certain products can be found but real customer consulting does not take place. The relationship Aldi tries to build to its customers is not through outstanding service performance, price and quality are the aspects which count for Aldi and most of their customers. As already mentioned in the explanation of a transactional relationship, Aldi is just operating at the B2C market, where a transactional relationship to your customers is wide spread.

2.2. Consultative relationship
2.2.1. Definition and explanation The main difference here to a transactional relationship is the effort which is done by supplier. If the demand of the customer is there, here a more detailed plan or more personalized concept can be evaluated. This offer can create additional value and provides further benefits, next to the product itself. The disadvantage of this type of relationship is the additional effort which has to be done by the salesperson or the whole

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