
Transformation In Oates's Where Is Here

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Explanatory essay When I was 10 years old, I walked into a scary apartment with a cemetery in the back with me brother and his friends. The wind was blowing so hard like someone was giving me a sign not to go in but I did. When I went in the the apartment there was a sign that said “beware” in red colors. My brother and his friends when into a room with burnt doll heads. Then, when we left the room of the apartment a powerful wind blew in and we heard a door shut and glass break. At that point, me my brother and his friends bolted out of the room, out of the apartment and into the car. The next day me and my brother went to a religious area to not be scared anymore. My day transformed good to scary in a matter of a snap. Transformation can create fear. Transformation can be seen in these three stories as well. Oates’s “Where is Here,” Arthur Tress’ “Dream Collector” and Julio Cortazar’s “House Taken Over” uses transformation of an ordinary person and an ordinary setting to show us how easily circumstances can change. …show more content…

Also in the story “Where is Here” the room of the house had color but when the stranger did something the room lost its color. Another thing is that the dad did not do anything about the stranger but the mom was scared that the stranger was a thief. This shows that the father was having an ordinary day until the stranger showed up at their front door. Also the father and the mother were fine with each other until the stranger showed up and now made the father and the mother to fight about the problem they had. For example, it says “she went on worriedly, he could be anyone, after all. Any kind of thief, or mentally disturbed person of even a murderer”. Everything has changed and been different then it was before the stranger showed

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