
Transformational Leadership Style Analysis

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Schien,(1992) has been identifies that how leaders do shape culture, embed and identity through primary mechanism such as role modeling, leader reaction to critical incidents, what leader pay attention to measure or control and observed way of allocating rewards, selection, promotion, and communication. Also, mentioned by (Lian et al, 2011) a great leader with positive influential personality will give a positive effect on the job satisfaction and the performances of the employees. Perhaps, it can be assumed, poor work culture at ward X, may shaped by an autocratic leadership over a long term, consequently affecting works performance and quality of care. (Manthey, 1991) mentioned that staff under bureaucratic had a poor performance and quality in performing a task.
There is two main current leadership theories has been identified which is: transactional leadership and transformational leadership (Bass & Avolio, 1997; 2000). Leadership style in within organizational, such as health care, which is measured by understanding the relationship between management and planning, change operation, and organization structure. Traditionally, the transactional leadership has been widely practice in a bureaucratic organization (Burns, 1978). Bureaucratic hierarchy power structure, transactional or autocratic style is used to practice at ward X. …show more content…

As a result, staffs are trained more to task orientated and how to get a job done instead of people orientated. Maintaining a good quality of care, may not sustained over a long term, as well as their motivation, problem, will rise if the person is not rewarded or recognized by the superior manager. Motivating individual intrinsically is not effective in this level. Transactional leadership is more to fixed vision or keep the thing same Bargau,

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