
Translational Research

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Bedside Report from the Emergency Department. Translational Research March 31, 2016 The modern day emergency room is a department that is constantly busy. In the hustle of caring for patients, there are some details of the patient’s care that can be overlooked in a standard phone report to the accepting nurse. With this in mind, a change is needed so that there is an optimum patient outcome for each and every one of the people that walk through the doors of the emergency room and get admitted. A1. The current practice in the emergency department that I work in when admitting a patient to the medical floor goes something like this. 1. Emergency department doctor enters orders for a consulting doctor to come and look at …show more content…

The third person that is a stakeholder in the current process is the admitting doctor. Their role may change a little based on what is found by the two nurses during bedside report. Based on the two nurses’ assessment, they may call the admitting doctor and recommend a higher level of care. If this were to happen the admitting doctor would have to make a decision as to accept the recommendation or continue to keep the patient on the inpatient medical floor. If a change is warranted, new orders would have to be written and transfer would happen. The fourth stakeholder in the current process is the case management team, they would continue to look over the chart and determine if the patient meets inpatient criteria or if they only meet observation criteria. They can also determine that the patient meets no admission criteria and should go home, with outside resources if needed. The fifth stakeholder is the primary nurse that was caring for the patient in the ED. This nurse would have a role change in that they would no longer call report to the accepting nurse, they would simply call up to the floor to advise the accepting nurse that the patient was on the way up. Then the primary nurse would transport to the floor. The handoff report would take place at the bedside instead of on the phone. The sixth stakeholder is the patient care techs that had the task of transporting the patient to the

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