
Transport Management

Decent Essays

Innovative Urban Transport Concepts 1 Co pt C cepts Concepts NICHES is a Coordination Action funded by the European Commission under the Sixth Framework Programme for R&D, Priority 6.2 Sustainable Surface Transport Index Learn from Innovative Experiences with NICHES New Seamless Mobility Services Urban Lift-sharing Services Public Bicycles ..................................................................... 3 4 4 6 8 10 10 12 14 16 16 18 20 22 22 24 26 28 ..................................................................................................................................... …show more content…

More specifically, NICHES promotes the most promising new urban transport concepts, initiatives and projects (NICHES Concepts) to move them from their current “niche” position to a “mainstream” urban transport policy application. The project thus wants to contribute to a more efficient and competitive transport system, a healthier environment and improved quality of life in urban areas. This publication wants to help urban transport decision makers and practitioners to find innovations that could be applied in their cities, by providing an overview of some of the most promising innovative urban transport concepts. It includes the results of the practical research carried out, i.e. a detailed description of the NICHES Innovative Urban Transport Concepts. These are innovative urban transport measures that have proven to be successful in (mostly) European cities. NICHES has explored twelve innovative concepts in order to encourage their uptake in different urban contexts. The NICHES Innovative Concepts, selected by European urban transport experts, relate to four themes that are considered to be a priority for a sustainable and innovative urban transport system. The twelve NICHES Concepts are summarised in Table 1. Table 1: NICHES thematic areas and Concepts Thematic areas New seamless Innovative mobility services approaches in city logistics Urban Lift-sharing Services Space Management

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