
Traumatic Brain Injury Research Paper

Decent Essays

A traumatic brain injury (TBI) occurs when sudden penetration trauma happens to the head. I’m writing this paper based on my personal experience with my traumatic brain injury. This is my story. When I nine, we were getting ready to go camping, when my neighbors came over and said they wanted to play. The day started out pretty good until my neighbor threw a rock at my head. My mom brought me to the local clinic, here in Hartford, where Jan told my mom that “It is nothing, and just take her home and let her take a nap.” My mom knew better though, she rushed me to the ER where I was taken to surgery right away. While I was having my surgery the doctors came out and gave my mom the waiver that stated if I died on the operating table it wouldn’t …show more content…

It can change their caretaker’s life by causing more stress, and making harder to do everyday things. Because they take care of TBI victims, they can’t do normal activities outside the home. The financial stress of having TBI victims is quite severe. More than 8 million dollars, a year, is spent on youth (18 and younger) TBI patients. Without insurance the surgery would cost anywhere from $85,000 for a mild injury, to $941,000 for a moderate injury, and up to $3 million for severe injuries. What the TBI victim goes through is horrific. Traumatic brain injury can cause a wide range of functional issues, short-term or long-term. It can affect thinking, sensation, language, or emotions (CDC). The long term damage of TBI’s can result in permanent damage that can change the person’s deficits to varying degrees, especially long …show more content…

Not only is a child incapable of doing things they could before, they may even have some physical changes. Some physical changes could be physical paralysis, loss of the control of the bowel or bladder, sleep disorders, sleep deprivation, stamina loss, and appetite changes (TBI Symptoms). Sometimes emotional changes also affect a child. Because a child has changed so drastically in such a short amount of time it can cause depression and anxiety. The depression stems from the feeling of to being the same, whereas the anxiety comes from not wanting people to notice these differences. Some other emotional changes could be dependance, irritability, and aggression. With all of these symptoms, there are long-term and short-term effects as well. One of the many long term effects are Short term memory loss. It’s the little things like what a child did yesterday that they can’t remember. Some of the other term effects are lower educational levels, emotional distress, poor physical functioning, and being awkward around people.

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