
Treaty Of Versailles Dbq Essay

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As World War I came to a close with a victory for the allies, nearly 10 million soldiers were killed in combat while 10 million more were injured. Although the war was over, global problems, economic problems, and ways to settle disputes, became a controversy that seemed unsolvable. Hoping to end the chaos, President of the United States, Woodrow Wilson, came up with a plan called the League of Nations. In this League they attempted to make the Treaty of Versailles fair while punishing Germany. Although it was designed to settle the conflicts, the Treaty of Versailles produced German anger and humiliation, sowing the seeds for World War II. The Treaty of Versailles did this by imposing territorial loss with military restrictions, economic reparations, …show more content…

The first consequence for Germany began with many territorial losses which hurt them in many ways such as their military forces.According to document A, Germany suffered a loss of four major areas of land, Lorraine, Alsace, Polish Corridor, and Danzig. With the loss of these areas the people living in those countries no longer were a part of Germany. With Danzig and the Polish Corridor surrounding them, East Prussia was left in the middle of unclaimed territories, and were all alone. One can assume that being away from what Not only did Germany lose territories, they also lost military land as well. In Ruhr, Germany was completely demilitarized. They lost major army strength there which in turn made them weak. These losses did not settle well with Germans. This angered them and created a want to fight back. But this was not the end. Not only did Germany lose territories, they also endured military restrictions. In Document B a political cartoon depicts the military powers of Europe that were involved in World War I. The biggest country shown is France as they have the most military troops and reserves. Not only are they the biggest they also are holding chains to other countries including Belgium, Poland, and Czechoslovakia showing a bond together to keep Germany contained. This played even more into embarrassing Germany, as in the picture Germany is substantially smaller than the others illustrating how much smaller Germany was seen as. (Document A and

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