
Triage Example For The Cdss Assignment

Satisfactory Essays

Hello Dr. Krive,

I hope your day is going well so far. I followed your triage example for the CDSS assignment. I was able to run the system once but then my Wi-fi on my laptop became intermittent, then it disappeared and my laptop is not charging. I sent my computer into GeekSquad to fix. I have a few questions if you can assist me please.

1) I am new to programming and wanted to know if you could review what I did for this assignment to see if I am on the right track. I'm not sure if you will be able to open it if I send it to you from a computer that does not have Corvid on it.

2) Is it possible for me to use the same Authorization code to download Corvid on another computer?

3) Will Corvid still work with that same Authorization code

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