
Truth and Bright Water Essay

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The Affects of History
History is something that molds and shapes a person into who they are today. Thomas King shows this in his novel Truth and Bright Water through many of the characters. He not only lets you see how the aboriginal people’s history has affected their lives today, but also how the personal history of some characters has affected their lives. A person’s past can help one understand why they live their life the way they do; it is the answer to any question you had about them. All the minor events that go on throughout the novel explain how history affects an individual’s identity and Franklin, aunt Cassie and Monroe are excellent examples. First, when told about Franklin in the novel it is easy to not think much of …show more content…

All the past events in his life and how he chose to deal with them is what made him the man he is today in this story. Now that Lum is dead as well, Franklin really understands the meaning of not realizing what a good thing you had until it’s gone. Also, aunt Cassie can relate to that understanding. She even says something along those lines in the novel. ““Just be careful what you give away,” says auntie Cassie. “There are some things you want to keep.””(King p. 259). Even though in this quote she is talking about the giveaway, it is very clear that there is a deeper meaning behind her statement. In her past, or as aunt Cassie says, ““Another life,” she says. “Another time.”” (King p.259), Mia had a huge influence on her. Although it was never stated in the book Mia is her daughter who she had given up for her own personal reasons. Even though Thomas King never revealed the details of that situation, it had a huge affect on aunt Cassie. For example, in the quote where she is warning to watch what you give up, it tells you she has regrets over something she has given up. Aunt Cassie most likely gave up Mia for adoption and has not been able to fully let go. Even though she tries to forget, this event will forever have an affect on her identity because she gave up a part of herself. This explains why she would send Tecumseh random presents for girls; she would do it subconsciously when reminded of Mia on her

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