
'Tv's Negative Influence On Kids Reaffirmed'

Decent Essays

In the article “TV’s Negative Influence on Kids Reaffirmed” by Jeffrey M. McCall, he addresses the issue of how TV has a negative influence on children. McCall states that young children and toddler’s cognitive ability do not develop as well when they have a television in the background while they are playing and interacting. McCall also argues that TV has a very influential role in the teenage pregnancy rate and how early teens become sexually active. To further prove his point, McCall proclaims that children and teens that are exposed to large amounts of television and video games become socially awkward and have issues interacting in society. McCall also says that the networks are rating their own programs carelessly, which is leading to shows that should be restricted by a V-chip being watched by children, rendering the restricting system null and void. …show more content…

I have been to preschools and daycares not only as a child, but also as an older individual, and what I have seen is nothing short of what McCall is trying to describe. When the daycares have the television on, a fair majority of the children would much rather sit and watch the TV rather than play with toys or do activities. When the children do this, they are unable develop the necessary skills that help them interact with others or develop the needed cognitive ability that is so necessary in early childhood. I have a cousin who has been exposed to TV and video games from a very early age, and just as McCall stated, he is extremely socially awkward and did not develop properly. He now lives at home in a basement, has been diagnosed with depression, and has trouble keeping a job because he cannot handle the social stress of everyday

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