
Two Point Of Distinction Between Fraud And Misrepresentation

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3. The aggrieved party can also sue for damages, if any. However, if the aggrieved party wants to claim damages, he has to first rescind the contract and then only he can claim damages.
A man was fraudulently induced to buy a house. After rescission of the contract, he was allowed to recover the expense involved in moving into the house as damages [Doyle vs Olby (Ironmongers) Ltd.].

Distinction between Fraud and Misrepresentation
The following are the points of distinction between the two:-

SI. No. Point of Difference Misrepresentation Fraud
1. Intention of parties Misrepresentation is innocent without any intention to deceive. Fraud implies an intention to deceive, it is deliberate or willful.
2. Means of discovering Ttruth If …show more content…

A contract is not voidable because it was caused by a mistake as to any law in force in India.” Accordingly, no relief can be granted on the ground of mistake of law of the country. (b) Mistake of foreign law. Mistake of foreign law stands on the same footing as the ‘mistake of fact’. Here the agreement is void in case of ‘bilateral mistake’ only, as explained under the subsequent heading.

Mistake of Fact Mistake of fact can be further divided as bilateral and unilateral mistake.
a) Bilateral Mistake: According to Section 20 "where both the parties to an agreement are under a mistake as to a matter of fact essential to the agreement, the agreement shall be void". Thus for declaring an agreement to be void ab-initio under this Section, the following three conditions must be fulfilled:
• Both the parties must be under a mistake
• Mistake must relate to some fact and not to judgement or opinion etc.
• The fact must be essential to the agreement
Various cases that fall under bilateral mistake are as

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