
Type 1 Diabetes Research

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Diabetes is a very common disease in the world, especially in the western countries; it's a disease that has chronic abnormal high glucose level in the blood, which may caused by insufficient production of insulin, or improper functionality of insulin and its receptors in the metabolic pathways and mechanisms (Hansen, 2012).
As the size diabetic patients group is growing very rapidly in last few decades, this disease has received much more attention and awareness from the public, scientists and researchers. One of the important reasons for importance of understanding of diabetes is the severity of complications of diabetes, such as hypertension, heart disease and failure, kidney disease, eye vision failure, dental disease, damage …show more content…

On the other hand, Type 2 diabetes is more common in elderly, affecting as high as 90-95% of the diabetic patient group, which is caused by insulin resistance which means the pancreas is able to make insulin, however, the cells are not responding or/and working with the insulin correctly, as a result, the cells can't cooperate with insulin which leads to can't receive glucose as energy source, which directly leads glucose levels remain in the blood stream, and the cells don't have energy for metabolism and starve to death (Barkalifa, …show more content…

The cumulative fat as deposited fatty tissues in the body which is resulted from the much greater amount of energy intake than energy expenditure. In most of the cases would end up with obesity, which is usually measured by the body mass index in the experiment. Obesity could lead to type 2 diabetes which is due to the slow metabolic rate and insulin resistance. A scientific research was successfully conducted, which compared Type 2 diabetic-related phenotypes and body mass index between healthy controls and type 2 diabetic patients; They have discovered that type 2 diabetic patients had significant larger body mass index, which was indicating the condition of obesity, the unhealthy condition relative to the healthy controls (Barkalifa,

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