
Type 2 Diabetes Debate

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Nobel Prize winner Dr. Fredrick Banning once said, “Insulin is not a cure for diabetes; it is a treatment. It enables the diabetic to burn sufficient carbohydrates so that proteins and fats may be added to the diet in sufficient quantities to provide energy for the economic burdens of life”(Banning, 1928). The American Diabetes Association (ADA), states that 9.3% of the population has diabetes, which is why it was the 7th leading cause of death in the Unites States in 2010. The Center for Control Disease (CDC), states individuals younger than 20 years were newly diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes annually (CDC, 2010). Physicians often instruct patients affected by Type 2 diabetics, to watch their diet and sustain a healthy, more active lifestyle. …show more content…

The study included one of four groups control, diet, exercise, and diet plus exercise. The control and exercise groups were given a mild hypocaloric diet. A total of 1200kcal/day was assigned to the diet and diet plus exercise groups to reduce energy expenditure. The control and diet groups did physical activity for 150 minutes or more per week for exercise. Individuals that were in the "exercise" and "diet plus exercise" groups were requested to walk briskly for 120 minutes every day. All subjects were given an accelerometer to correlate with the physical activity analysis software. At the end of the 12-week program, exercise intervention plus dietary restriction reduced the visceral fat level significantly. Total energy expenditure decreased visceral fat while only physical activity energy expenditure was corresponding with the amount of moderate-to- vigorous activity, improved insulin sensitivity along with mean energy intake during the intervention. Obese women with Type 2 diabetes, showed improvement in insulin sensitivity through exercise and dietary restriction (Koo, B. K., Han, K. A., Ahn, H. J., Jung, J. Y., Kim, H. C., & Min, K. W., 2010.) Individuals affected by Type 2 diabetes have a higher chance of developing cardiovascular disease (Koo, B.K.,, 2010). Management of Type 2 diabetes is attainable through lifestyle modification, especially

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