
Type 2 Diabetes Research Paper

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When you think of diseases, you think of tragic illnesses you can not help. Type 2 diabetes, however, has different circumstances; you inflict this disease upon yourself through lack of proper diet and the results are shocking. You might want to think twice about the health effects that pack of doughnuts has to offer than just all the calories. The effects of being unhealthy go deeper down than just how you look.
Type 2 diabetes is a self-caused disease that prevents your body from using and producing insulin correctly which leads to high levels of sugar in the blood. When people consume too much or too little sugar, it affects their insulin resistance, which causes the pancreas to not maintain the right amount of insulin to keep the body's …show more content…

Diet and some medications are leading factors for this disease. Symptoms of hypoglycemia most often happen in people when their blood sugar level is 70 mg or lower. Dizziness, sweating, weakness, pale skin, and anxiety are all symptoms. People who have diabetes have to put insulin in their body manually. If they do not take the right amount of insulin for the amount of their carbohydrate intake, they can develop hypoglycemia. This works the same way for people who do not have diabetes. If your body does not maintain the right ratio of carbohydrates to insulin, you can develop this disease. So it is very important to eat your meals and have a healthy …show more content…

People who have cancer, shingles, and diabetes are more susceptible to be Diabetic Neuropathy victims. They often experience the effects of this condition in their legs and feet, so it is very important for people with this condition to take care of their feet. Some of the symptoms are numbness, tingling, pain, and burning. Nerve pain varies in everyone with this condition. Some people may feel like they are walking on hot coals or sleeping with stabbing pains while other people may just not be able to feel their fingertips and it is like they are wearing gloves. People who have more severe cases often have trouble sleeping because they feel excruciating pain from the weight of their bodies on the bed and pain and burning just from the pressure from a blanket. Creams, sprays, and medications can help decrease the symptoms of Diabetic Neuropathy, but in the end, it just comes down to living a healthy

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