
Type 2 Diabetes Type 1 Essay

Decent Essays

Diabetes is a big disease that affects many human beings worldwide. With the widespread growth of fast food industries in this day and age, people are eating a lot more unhealthy foods resulting in higher changes for diabetes. What many people don't fully understand is the difference between the two types of diabetes; type one and type two. defines tpe 1 diabetes as "a chronic condition in which the pancreas produces little or no insulin. Insulin is a hormone needed to allow sugar (glucose) to enter cells to produce energy". This type of diabetes in the kind that is normally had by children seeing that it comes from problems within there body and they had nothing to do with them or their appetite. defines type 2 diabetes as "a chronic condition that affects the way your body metabolizes sugar (glucose), your body's important source of fuel". This is the diabetes that most people associate with the term. This comes from lack of …show more content…

THe symptoms for type one diabetes include; urinating often, being very thirsty, blurred vision, and easy fatigue. The symptoms for type two diabetes are largely different. its symptoms included excessive hunger, excessive thirst, weight gain, and poor wound healing. The main cause of type one is due to the immune system. The persons body's immune destroys beta cells which produce insulin, so their bodies can't make their own insulin. THe cause of type two is basically due to lifestyle and a person's genetics. However, people with type two diabetes can actually produce their own insulin but their body can't recognize it and therefore can't use it. Therefore, many people with diabetes use insulin shots. Since people with type one can't make insulin and people with type two can't use their own they must use it from the shot. Also exercising regularly and eating healthy can also be solutions for both of these

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