
Types Of Business, Purpose And Ownership Of Two Contrasting Business

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P1:Describe the type of business, purpose and ownership of two contrasting business Coca cola Coca Cola is a soft fizzy drink sold in every store throughout the world. It is produced by The Coca Cola Company of Atlanta in Georgia, and is often called as Coke. Purpose:- The purpose of coca cola is to design develop and advertise soft drinks the customers can enjoy, and also make profit from selling of soft drinks. Ownership:-The history of coca cola begin In 1892, Candler set out to join a second organization; The Coca Cola Company the current company. At the point when Candler had the most punctual records of the Coca Cola Company flamed in 1910, the activity was asserted to have been made amid a move to new organization business locales around this time. Coca cola was floated on the financial stock change in September 5 1919 after it was purchase by business man the called Emest Woodruff for a price in the region of $25 million. Business activity:-Coca cola is global company that supplies soft drinks its measure retail around the world. Coca cola wants soft drinks readily available to0 its customers. They don’t emphasize on exclusivity. Coca cola has flexed its financial muscles by buying it’s closed to compotators, and this includes Fanta, cherry coke, vanilla, Evian, monster and sprite Oxfam Oxfam is a nonprofit organization and was first set up in England, 1942. It was created by a small group of Quakers, followers of Christ, and their main target

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