
Compare And Contrast The Political Typology Of Mary Rowlandson

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Typology has been used for many centuries and has gone through numerous changes. These changes range from legendary, Puritan storyteller Mary Rowlandson, onto the nature-loving, pastor Johnathan Edwards, as well as the historic Enlightenment, political thinker Thomas Paine. It is important to have an understanding of typology and its definition in order to be able to read and understand the profound concept that it is. It is basically looking at the stamp of life and interpreting it for what it is, rather than what it is like or what it could be. In typology there is an antitype and type. The antitype is unique, original that is difficult to mimic and understand; therefore, as an example, the antitype is a rubber stamp. The type is essentially the printed image or the imprint of the antitype. Typology has multiple definitions and there are various forms of typology, but we’ll focus on the one defined beforehand and look at three of its varying forms— the biblical typology of Mary Rowlandson, the natural typology of Johnathan Edwards, and the political typology of Thomas Paine. Typology’s many forms allow it to be incredibly diverse and the cause for the shift in its types will be discussed as well. Mary Rowlandson was a devoted, Puritan woman of the 1600’s who would eventually go on to pave the way for an entire genre—the captivity genre/narrative. She had several family members murdered and was held captive by Native Americans, but was eventually reunited with her fellow Puritans. She details her experiences in A Narrative of Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson. Rowlandson showcases her biblical typology many times and her story and a prime example shown is when she writes, “… my heart began to fail: and I fell aweeping… Although I had met with so much affliction… yet I could not shed one tear…” (Rowlandson 279). She uses typology to understand what is going on in her life and around her and this is displayed when she adds, “But now I may say as Psalm 137.1, ‘By the Rivers of Babylon, there we sate down: yea, we wept when we remembered Zion,” (Rowlandson 279). She used the bible to understand her experiences rather than to see what it is like. She wrote during a very devout, religious era and

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