
U.s. Involvement During Wwii

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U.S Involvement in WWII Throughout American history the U.S has tried to stay out of national disputes but sometimes it is necessary for them to take action. In all the wars ever fought in the world only two have been fought on U.S soil and one of the wars was between our own country(Civil War).
The U.S is mainly a neutral country but if something happens they are not afraid to fight back. After the Japanese bombings on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on December 7,1941 the U.S began to take part in the war. WW11 was the deadliest war in the history of the world and it was also the most significant. 12 countries participated in WW11 including America. Because of the amount of casualties and history the war has it is easy to say that is was the most important war the U.S has ever been involved in. America’s involvement is also one of the reason the war was ended because we had so much power. Things could have been much different in this world if America did not partake in the war. WW11 officially began the year of 1939. The war began with the immediate reign of Adolf Hitler who was the dictator of Germany. Hitler had the idea to eliminate almost anyone that was different or had different beliefs. He started to kill Jews,Homosexuals,Gypsies , Jehovah’s Witnesses, and even handicapped people. While doing this he also had the a plan to take control of all Europe.
Hitler was born April 20, 1889 in a small Austrian town. Throughout his childhood he did not do well in school and was

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