
U.s. Secretary Of State

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In 2001 Hillary Clinton was elected into the senate, she then became the first, first lady to ever win a public office seat. And in 2009 she became the 67th U.S. secretary of state, she served until 2013. Now in 2016 she made history by becoming the first woman in U.S. to be a presidential nominee of a major political party. Donald Trump is a billionaire real estate mogul, a business man with no political l and reality television personality. In 2016, he became the Republican presidential nominee.
Vice Presidential Selection:
The Vice presidential candidates are Tim Kaine for the democratic party and Mike Pence for the Republican party. A lot of journalists and democrat argue that Pence was successful only because he throw Trump under the bus and refused to defend his boss from repeated attack. But they miss the point: voters rarely scrutinize debates line-by-line, instead making their judgments on the overall tone and performance of a candidate. Pence will not fare well with fact checkers, but his poise and polish played well with voters. For better or worse, style counts a lot in these debates. Tim Kaine had a much sharper mastery of policy but was forced to play attack dog, a role that doesn 't fit his personality. His frequent interruptions didn 't help, either.
Hillary Clintons primary message is advancing opportunity and prosperity, directly addressing a fundamental concern and cynicism among the American people. Hillary Clinton also spoke about

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