
Unit 3.3.1 – How Communication with Children and Young People Differs Across Different Age Ranges and Stages of Development

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Unit 3.3.1 – How communication with children and young people differs across different age ranges and stages of development
0 – 6 Months
By 6 months, usually children will: * Turn towards a sound when they hear it. * Be startled by loud noises. * Watch your face when you talk to them. * Recognise your voice. * Smile and laugh when other people smile and laugh. * Make sounds to themselves, like cooing, gurgling and babbling. * Make noises, like coos or squeals, to get your attention. * Have different cries for different needs. For example one cry for hunger, another when they are tired.
6 months – 1 year
By 1 year, usually children will: * Listen carefully, and turn to someone talking on the other …show more content…

However, people that know them can mostly understand them. * Now play more with other children and share things. * Sometimes sound as if they are stammering or stuttering. They are usually trying to share their ideas before their language skills are ready. This is perfectly normal, just show you are listening and give them plenty of time.
3 – 4 Years
Children at 3 to 4 years will usually be actively learning language and asking many questions.
By 4 years usually children will: * Listen to longer stories and answer questions about a storybook they have just read. * Understand and often use colour, number and time related words, for example, 'red' car, 'three' fingers and 'yesterday / tomorrow'. * Be able to answer questions about ‘why’ something has happened. * Use longer sentences and link sentences together. * Describe events that have already happened e.g. 'we went park.' * Enjoy make-believe play. * Start to like simple jokes. * Ask many questions using words like ‘what’ ‘where’ and ‘why’. * Still make mistakes with tense such as say 'runned' for ‘ran’ and 'swimmed' for ‘swam’. * Have difficulties with a small number of sounds – for example r, w, l, f, th, sh, ch and dz. * Start to be able to plan games with others.
4 -5 Years
At this stage, they need to listen, understand more and share their ideas

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