
Unit 3 Privacy In A Digital World Analysis

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Unit 3 Privacy in a Digital World ______ Reading #8 – The Individual in a Networked World: Two Scenarios Explores the possibilities between two possible outcomes in a world where our reliance technology in our daily life has increased from “nice to have” or convenient to “cannot live without.” Scenario one explores, society embracing networking on a global scale and increasing interoperability in a world that relies heavily on virtual reality or “augmented reality (Mittlemen 44.)” Scenario two explores, world governments shutting themselves off from one another digitally and restricting usage to within its own sovereign territory through slowing down the network, increasing advertisements, selling your personal information that is posted online without your permission. ______ Reading #9 – What Facebook Knows This article explores the …show more content…

The idea is that if a virus could do that much damage to Iran’s nuclear power program; what could a virus or attack do to our less secure electric power grids. Furthermore, examples of how an attack could occur and the amount of damage that could be caused. Finally, the author offers insight into how you can be vigilant with personal security online. ______ Reading #13 – A Beginner's Guide to Building Botnets—with Little Assembly Required Explains what a botnet is, how it is created, used and the amount or types of data that can be collected over time. The ability to track or monitor many of these botnets by antivirus software is reported to be a very low percentage of known botnets. One of the basic principles is almost a “throw everything at it and see what sticks” mentality in that developers will employ a botnet through embedding it in a quasi-convincing spam message and hoping the reader is dumb enough to click on the link (Mittleman 67.) ______ Reading #14 – Network Insecurity: Are We Losing the Battle against Cyber

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