
Unit 5 Business Law P1

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In this task, Customer of Legislation, I will discuss the five main acts of parliament that the legislations are made for the business. The legislation is a law, which there are five for businesses, which everyone must follow the law, however, the ideas of Laws in a business are made by the government to make sure customers of a business are protected from a business by the five Acts of Parliament. These Laws of parliament will make sure the Business follows the rules for customer’s protection purposes. However, if they don’t follow the rules, the customers could be harmed; the businesses must be honest to customers; the business must not take advantage of customers.

I will now be introducing the five Acts of Parliament of a business to protect …show more content…

However, the purpose of this law was made when other individuals had recognised that other people weren’t being treated as equal towards other customers in a business. However, not only does this law protection customer’s against discrimination, but it protects and promotes other individuals rights. Also, The Equality Act law is a part of the Human Right’s Legislation; the law is followed in everything like a business or service. However, if this law wasn’t invented this could change the status of the business, including staff in a business; if a person was treated different and unfair compared to others, they have the right to complain and report the person, who has treated others unfairly. The Equality Act is to treat people equally no matter what they are or believe in; the Sex Discrimination Act was invented in (where people wouldn’t get discriminated on what they are), the Race Relations Act 1976 (people wouldn’t be judged on what race they are in), the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (people wouldn’t be judged for having a Disability). Finally, the Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003 and the Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations

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