
Unit 5 Health And Social Care Level 3

Satisfactory Essays

There are 3 main working relationship's
1)Working with team
2)Working with children
3)Working with parent

Working relationship in a team

Working together is a very changeling .
Effective practice will depend or listening with others. Reporting and reviewing your activities. Conflicts often happen because of poor communication or a poor understing or you are not well any family problem.
In working relationship's everyone have same gole
When we all work in team all share work load.
• Shared responsibility and shared knowledge
• Staff weaknesses being balanced by other people’s stress
• Children benefiting from seeing people working well together
There will be a disadvantage. There will always be areas in your work where you experience conflict

working with children

Developing appropriate …show more content…

8)some emotional children will be very attach with key worker .

working with parent

working with parent its challenging role. parent are very emotionally attach with their child . practitioner need to be very strong and confident about her role ,and she should know about all child care knowadge experience. parent want be child safe and stay in happy environment parent are very anxious about their child that why they do a lot enquiry get appropriate information practitioner should ready for question, she should know EYFS knowadge and framework

I would like to tell about my own working relationship in my setting I always go on time in preschool and help them set up activity and health and safety check tick them before children arrive in my preschool my colleague very kind and helpful .
I always ask them if i am not confident or not sure about it .they all ready for help
I always try to learn thing from others and try to correct it my self
I always be active in workplace. in our preschool we all go for trainings after that we share knowadge

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