
Unit 502 Promote personal development

Decent Essays

1 Promote personal development (SHC52) Level 5 Health & Social care

1 understand principles of professional development
1.1 Explain the importance of continually improving knowledge and practice
I feel it is important for me to continually improve my knowledge to ensure that I am aware of, and follow all the current health & social care standards, legislation, and guidelines for good practice as well as ensuring I follow my company’s policies & procedures.
I also feel it is vital that I pass any new knowledge I gain on to my team because this provides them with up to date information in order for them to carry out their roles as support workers effectively. I will do this during in a team meeting, supported housing meeting and also …show more content…

We also encourage & provide outside training that is relevant to our employees and ourselves this includes courses such as local authority safeguarding training housing management training stroke awareness, and more, staff can request this or team leaders suggest this. I book all training for staff and ensure they are aware of dates times venue and any other information they may require.
Within an induction period shadowing another member of staff is a useful way of learning a new role even if you are experienced at the role every work place has the own policies and procedures to adhere to. Each setting has different expectations from its staff and the service users they support, so this method of training is an effective way of introducing the work ethic and standards of each individual setting.
Regular team meeting are also a good way of developing I have team meeting once a month a staff meeting it is an opportunity to listen to other staff experiences it is also a chance to share with the team good practice and even things that haven’t gone so well.
This enables the staff to also reflect on situations they have encountered and decide if it could have been handled differently or if they would do the same different, people have different ways of handling and looking at situations so sharing helps us all learn from

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