
Urbanization And Suburbanization

Decent Essays

Urbanization and suburbanization are all effects of capitalism. Competition has created more products that can be purchased than at any other point in human history. The treadmill of production, another aspect of capitalism contributes the problem. People spend their money on goods and products in a never-ending cycle of getting new goods. The corporations grow wealthier while resources are depleted and not replenished. The consumers have more possessions but are not better off.
The free market cannot solve climate change according to Klein. It has no real incentive to do so. Companies operate in terms of short-term profits. They do have to think about the long-term sustainability of the planet. Their goal is to make money, not make sure the air is breathable in 50 years. The Free market was not designed to tackle climate change, its outside of its scope. It is designed to create competition which drives prices that is all.
CEO’s are under pressure to continually show larger and larger quarterly profits. They must find ways to generate new income and prosperity. Capitalism encourages them to be dissatisfied with just making some profit. If more profit can be made, then more should be made. The CEO of a company will be fired if he or she tell their board, that the company should make fewer profits so that the environment can be managed better. Profits trump all.
Often people say the free market does not pick winners and losers. This statement is not entirely true, life is

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