
Us Constitution Relevant Today Essay

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U.S. Constitution Relevancy to Today
The Constitution of the United States of America was ratified in the year 1787. Ever since that date, the document has enforced the laws set forth and created a base for the country to stand upon. The Constitution was created to provide strict, but amenable guidelines that Americans could follow, which could result in a functional country. Aside from the fact that the Constitution was written over two hundred years ago, the document is still necessary and relevant to modern times. The three branches of government, the First Amendment, as well as the Fourth Amendment, are all still present in today’s America. Many of the rules in the Constitution are still accordant to society today, primarily because of the perceptive founding fathers who created them. The founding fathers that created the Constitution created a system of government that composed of three different branches. Each branch has a …show more content…

The founding fathers knew that this form of government would be able to be used in the future, and they were indeed correct. The United States’ president does not have complete control over the country, and many of the decisions the president makes must go through the legislative branch. All three of the branches are important today, which proves the Constitution is still relevant today. Another reason the Constitution still has a presence is because of the First Amendment. The Bill of Rights were formed by James Madison, and were incorporated into the Constitution. The First Amendment, “provides that Congress make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting its free exercise. It protects freedom of speech, the press, assembly, and the right to petition the Government for a redress of grievances” (The Constitution). Today, these freedoms are commonly present in the

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