
Use Of Force Training For All Law Enforcement Agencies

Decent Essays

Use of force Over the past three years there has been a conflict with the use of force not just by police but with citizens as well. Recent events such as the shooting of Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman in 2012 and the killing of Mike Brown by a Ferguson police officer just recently in August of 2014 has raised eyebrows about the use of force. Clearly there is a misunderstanding of the concept of when and when not to use force especially when it is the use of deadly force. The training that is given as well as the understanding of use of force is outdated. The federal government should implement excessive use of force training for all law enforcement agencies in the U.S. Let’s look at the Trayvon Martin tragedy as an example of unnecessary use of force. George Zimmerman followed Trayvon Martin after a dispatcher told him not to which lead to a confrontation between the two. Under Florida stand your ground act a person can protect themselves if they fear their well-being is at harm even using deadly force. Zimmerman clearly outweighed Trayvon but claims that his use of deadly force was justified on a minor who also had a justified right to protect himself from Zimmerman advances. When a firearm is discharged at a person that is using deadly force, one of the highest level of force defined by law. Deadly force is not to be used in a non-deadly manner. Deadly force cannot be used to inflict injury or frighten a person. It is only used to protect your life or life’s of

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