
Using Ilps: Key Concepts, Theories And Ideas

Decent Essays

This assignment will provide an overview and rational of using ILPs, with consideration of key concepts, theories and ideas. I Individual Learning Plans (ILPs) are a very important part of both teaching and learning, as they allow the individual to set themselves realistic and achievable goals. (Loreman, Deppeler and Harvery, 2011) Using ILPs supports personalised assessment for learning in using evidence and dialogue to identify where individualised are in their learning, where they need to go and how best to get there.

ILPs are very important for the reflective teacher. Stephen Brookfield (1995) suggests we have four `critically reflective lenses' through which we can reflect on our teaching. These are:
• our autobiographies as learners and teachers;
• our students' eyes;
• our colleagues' experiences;
• theoretical literature.
ILPs can be considered a starting point of reflection and of CPD. It allows you to identify strengths, existing knowledge and highlights targets to work on as a trainee teacher. A useful starting point of an ILP is always to recall some of your own …show more content…

It allows students to learn in a number of different ways to suit their ability and learning style (Group for Education in Museums, 2012) whilst also allowing them to learn in different environments. Informal learning does not need to be tedious and can be very productive, both for the students and the teachers. I feel that there are many benefits to learning outside the classroom and visiting places such as museums, such as; When exploring artefacts, the students get to use most of their senses to discover the objects, or settings, compared to classroom learning where children may only get to explore a few aspects. This allows the students to work in ways they may feel more comfortable with. (Groups for Education in Museums,

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